Who we are
I got into Accounting, originally, to do Fraud Investigation or Forensic Accounting. Fraud can be really complex and even involve ulterior motives beyond the fraud itself. It is a rather fascinating subject and is perfect for someone like me that immensely enjoys puzzles.
Nearly all fraud is preventable, even the complex fraud mentioned above. However, a significant amount of fraud is committed out of either ignorance or negligence. This is especially the case in small businesses. As both my parents were small business owners, and the majority of my family is somehow working with or in small business; I felt my knowledge of forensic accounting, fraud, and small business, could best be served by helping them with the two biggest causes of fraud in small business: ignorance and negligence.
Ensuring that you financial books are up-to-date and well organized creates a foundation that makes external manipulation as well as internal mistakes obvious and easy to correct before significant damage has impact.
This is just the beginning of branching out on my own. I look forward to serving all of you. I am equally excited to share with all of you as my skills advance and improve. Thank You!